We are using art as a peaceful weapon in the ongoing fight to protect Jovsset Ante´s herd and resist the forced slaughtering, thus defending his rights/ to live as a Sami reindeer herder and to keep the ancient sami culture alive..
We ask for artist from Sápmi and beyond to submit art-works that speak to the case, and or feature reindeers somewhat. The art-works are presented in our online calendar, one new work per day, inspired by the seasonal advent calendars with 24 doors. Our calendar count down to the 31st of December which is the final deadline Jovsset Ante has been given to force slaughter his flock of 350 reindeer down to 75. If he does so he cannot continue as a herder. He will be bankrupt. This is both a human and animal tragedy, it will be a cultural suicide for Jovsset Ante and his family, and cannot be spoken off other than neo-colonialism.
Duoddje, images,collages, photo, paintings, poems, text, Yoik, song, rap, video, sound;
all formats are welcome.
Please submit files that will work on a website. Meaning good quality but not to large files. Ask if you have questions.
Please submit TITLE + short text about the submitted work + link to artist website
Send your works in an email to both our addresses and/or WETRANSFER
Elin Már: elinmar@mailbox.org
Anders Sunna: anderssunna@biegga.com
The Artist Initiative is very grateful for your support <3We might print some of the images submitted and make physical cards. If we do so we will contact you in advance <3
A bit more info:
Front page is a new collage /art work by Anders Sunna.
The incredible reindeer silhouettes are created by an unknown 8 year old artist in 1961. All we know is this: It was cut out by a 8 year old boy from Njávdem/ Neiden, South Várjjat/ Sør-Varanger, Finnmark, Norway-Sápmi. Njávdem/ Neiden is Eastern-Sámi/Skolt Sámi land. We have used the reindeer silhouettes to honour this young aspiring artist. To make such a careful cut work as an 8 year old you need an intimate relationship to reindeers…Here is the source.
For each person who adopt a reindeer – we can buy time, and thus prolong the lives of the reindeers in Jovsset Antes herd which the government of Norway wants to force slaughter. The donation goes towards the daily fines the Norwegian government is enforcing on Jovsset Ante Sara for resisting the force slaughtering. The fines have been running up NOK 67000 (7000 Euros) already, and we are hoping to crowd fund this and coming fines with this campaign! Se ADOPT A REINDEER page.
Thank you / Giitu / Gijtto!
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